10 JavaScript things- makes you the Smarter JavaScript programmer

Md Miyad Hossain
3 min readMay 6, 2021
Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash

Javascript is the most popular programming language. I say — One language for all platforms. You can build web applications, mobile applications (ios, android), desktop applications, and also build IoT-based applications. So, Why not keep learning JavaScript? I’ll discuss the 10 things most important JavaScript things that will you the Smarter JavaScript programmer. So Let’s start:


Every programming language has data types. JavaScript has also data types. There are 9 data types in JavaScript.

2. Event Loop

The event is the most important topic that how JavaScript works as well. The event loop is the secret behinds JavaScript asynchronous programming. In general, JavaScript runs code single-threaded. But it’s behind the scene with few data structures processing multi-threading.

3. Try-Catch

Every programmer has to face the error. But you have to handle it smartly. The error occurs has any reason. But The Try-Catch syntax helps you to catch errors more reasonably. There are two main blocks of the Try-Catch construct, i.e: try and catch. First, the code try {…} executed, and If the try code executed successfully skip the catch error. But if an error occurs try execution is stopped and catch the error.

4. Coding Style

The programmer code must be clean and human-readable. It’s an art of Programming. That’s why some style has to be maintained.
-Syntax style maintain
-To right way set curly braces
-Line Length
-Nesting Levels

Pro-tip : To proper maintaing coding style- Use automated Linter such as — ESLint, Prettier, JSLint, JSHint

5. Cross Browser Testing

As a web developer cross-browser testing is a must responsibility. cross-browser testing is a test of web applications in different browsers on different devices. Sometimes the same code output doesn’t similar on different browsers or different devices. That’s why it’s must need cross-browser testing.

6. Block-Level Declarations

Block binding concepts are the most important for JavaScript programmers. Block-level-declarations are declaring the variable that is inaccessible outside of the declared block scope. You can create block scope accordingly —
-inside of a function
-inside of block

7. The Spread Operator

The spread operator is a new feature from ES6. It’s used to expand or spread an array. It’s also used to copy the items into a single array. You can use it with object and clone objects data.
const arrValue = ['I', 'Love','JavaScript'];

console.log(arrValue); // ["I", "Love","JavaScript"]
console.log(...arrValue); // I Love JavaScript

8. Block-Level Functions

Arrow function is one of the amazing features introduced in the ES6. A function created by arrow function very cleaner way to compare than other functions. But It has some limitations such as —
- not available bindings as “this or super”
- not available keyword as “arguments or new.target”
- not suitable for (bind, call, apply)

9. Functions with Default Parameter Values

The default parameter is introduced to us from ES6. These allow developers to create a function with default values if the arguments are not provided to the function call. That’s made it easier to control output code when arguments not declared.
function say(message="Hi JavaScript") {


say(); // Hi JavaScript


As a programmer comment is the most useful feature. But as a novice programmer use it’s incorrectly. Comments should be minimal and clean. As beginners write comments to explain “what is going on in the code”.

